Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Editor's Resume Victim of Bad Copyediting

Ex-Wisconsin ME Sues Over Not Getting A Second Chance To Make A First Impression
Sure, it's embarrassing when you send out a resume and it's rife with typos, even more so when you're a former newspaper editor in search of greener pastures in flackdom.
Such is the plight of poor Barbara Uebelacker, former managing editor of the Janesville Gazette in Wisconsin.
For some reason, known only to Uebelacker, she paid $1,720 to an employment agency to help her find a job. That exorbitant fee included writing her resume and sending it out to prospective employers.
Just one wrinkle in that scheme: The agency sent out hundreds of letters, with Uebelacker's faked signature to boot, with gibberish in the letter, which , shall we say, doesn't exactly leave the right impression for a job where attention to detail is paramount.
Now she's suing for humiliation, mental anguish, etc. Despite the gaffe, it's still not a slam dunk as to whether she actually has a case or whether it's really worth the expense of litigating. Of course, that's never stopped anyone from filing suit, and this one will never get as far as the courtroom.
Still, the larger question remains is why someone would pay all that money for someone to help them find a job. A little sweat equity can go a long way.
Nowadays you rarely need a stamp to apply for a job, as Monster, Hot Jobs and Career Builder will no doubt tell you.
A job change is a big deal and trusting some anonymous agency to do the legwork for you is practically begging everyone who knows you to yell in unison "I told you so."
Which is not to say Uebelacker got what she deserved, but she came pretty damn close.


Anonymous said...

Sheesh thats a lot of money! I just use emurse.com and call it a day. Funny stuff though.

Anonymous said...

Looks like her lawsuit is moot -- she's got a new PR job. But from the looks of her first mediocre press release, she probably won't have it for long: http://www.patchproducts.com/press/060906EE.asp