Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Robert Krulwich: The Master Holds Court on NPR

In His Hands, Even Global Warming Doesn't Sound Like Such A Bad Thing
Sure, you couldn't blame Robert Krulwich when he left NPR, where he made topics like economics bother understandable and fun, for the better-paying precincts of CBS, then ABC. There's nothing like a noble calling, and NPR is about as close as one gets in radio, but it wouldn't hurt to earn a proper living at the same time.
Eventually, though, Krulwich could have his cake and nibble on it too. He worked out a deal in 2005 where he'd continue to pop up on ABC, but also get to once again ply his considerable radio craft at NPR, where he's focusing on science. This is what's called in the business a big time win-win.
That was evidenced today by a wonderful piece of what can best be described as audio theatre, as Krulwich told us all about carbon, as NPR kicked off a series in conjunction with National Geographic about climate change. Al Gore's Power Points need not apply.
To hear why radio can still be great, click here:
Indeed, Krulwich's dispatch literally comes alive albeit in the form of a cartoon at npr.org. Not the typical radio shtick. And that's exactly the point.

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